St Edmund's Terrace

Luxury living with a prestigious postcode

Delivering high-quality accommodation in the heart of London through the very best in skilled workmanship.

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St Edmund's Terrace Project summary


CIT Group Partners LLP



Key partners

Squire & Partners, Fluid Structural Engineers & Technical Designers Ltd

Services provided

Contracting, Consult




UK and Europe, UK - London and south-east England

Project timeline

Start date
January 2013
End date
June 2015

Project story

With an ever increasing demand for apartments in the UK's capital, we delivered the very best in luxury living with a development of 36 apartments and a townhouse in one of the most sought after areas in London.

The residential development, with private spa, natural stone-lined swimming pool and basement car park, required highly skilled workmanship, using hand-picked stone finishes, complex materials and bespoke joinery to ensure the building was finished to an exceptional standard. Coupling sustainable materials with a high-end finish resulted in the best of both worlds. Renewable energy is provided by photovoltaic cells and a ground source heat pump to provide heating and cooling.

The roofs were constructed to collect rainwater for the landscaped gardens. The superior finish extends into the grounds of the complex, with raised water features, high quality paving and hardwood timber decking among many plants and trees.

St Edmund's Terrace Building - Mace Group

Project stats

11,300 sq m development area
36 luxury apartments and a townhouse
17% of the energy used by the building is renewable

Points of note

Working around water

The project was constructed on a site adjacent to a reservoir which meant that a significant amount of pipework ran through the development. We introduced a temporary works solution to form a basement adjacent to the reservoir with a formation level 3 and a half storeys below the Thames Water land.


The entire façade used prefabrication techniques to negate the need and use of external scaffolding. With input from the design team and supply chain at an early stage, we designed a precast solution to the structural frame. We also used a Portland stone precast façade which complied with all design criteria for thermal, fire and acoustic separation, and finished the façade with a ‘hand set’ appearance.

No-build zone

There was a no-build zone around the pipework which we had to plan our work around. We also had to consider remodelling works that were being carried out on the reservoir at the same time as the construction of our residential project. Due to the constraints of the no-build zone, part of the building structure was cantilevered 12m above the ground, which involved complicated design and construction of structural steel compound beams.