Mark Castle named as Chair of Build UK
Mark Castle, Mace’s Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Construction, was named as the new Chair of Build UK at its AGM last week on Thursday 21 September.
Build UK is the leading representative organisation for the UK construction industry. By bringing together clients, main contractors, trade associations representing over 11,500 specialist contractors and other organisations committed to industry collaboration, Build UK represents in excess of 40% of UK construction.At the AGM It was announced that Mark will take on the role of Build UK Chairman, with Brendan Kerr, the Chief Executive of the Keltbray Group serving as Vice-Chairman.
Mark Castle, the new Chairman of Build UK said:
“I am determined, that as Build UK we will be leading and driving change by working collaboratively to set our expectations, agree shared objectives and achieving better outcomes resulting in stronger, more profitable businesses for all of us. With the opportunities offered by the Construction Sector Deal, which Build UK is driving through the Construction Leadership Council, now is the time for all of us to commit to upping our game.”
For more information, please visit Build UK’s website.